Monday, June 6, 2011

Request For Pictures

If anyone has pictures from the Madonna Del Roseto Celebration and/or Feast please e-mail them to us if you would like to have them posted on the website.

Madonna del Roseto Celebration and Feast

Madonna celebration went beautifully today. Thanks to all society members, Our Lady of Calvary, and most importantly Sister Mildred for all her continuing service.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There were 21 members that attended the November meeting.

The Christmas Luncheon was discussed.  It will take place at the Yardley
Country Club on Dec. 12th

The bake sale that was supposed to take place in November had to be cancelled.

The dedication for the plaque won't be until sometime in February or March.  We will give everyone plenty of notice.

So far this year there are three pages for the 2011 feast:  Ryan Haftman, Anthony Forgione and William McElwee. 

We discussed a bus trip sometime next year and or a super 50-50 in order to raise some money.  Any suggestions will be considered.

The meeting for January was cancelled due to inclement weather.  The next meeting will take place on February 13th, 2011 in the bottom church after the 12:15 mass at Our Lady of Calvary Church.  All are invited.